The Washoe County Sheriff Deputies Association is pleased to offer legal defense coverage for our retirees. The new PORAC LDF Retiree Group Coverage provides the same high-quality protection that more than 100,000 actively working public safety personnel rely upon daily.
Coverage includes:
- Full civil and criminal legal coverage for acting in self-defense or defense of others
- HR218/LEOSA Coverage
- Qualified attorneys in all 50 states
- 24/7 – 365 days emergency legal response
- No out-of-pocket costs
- Dedicated National Retiree Coordinator to answer all questions
- Easy enrollment process through the association
All Retired Washoe County Deputy Sheriffs and Supervisors are eligible to join. Dues are $10.00 per month and are deducted from your PERS check. Simply complete the application below and get the protection you need today!
For more information, contact the WCSDA at:
Or visit the PORAC website:
Retiree Membership Application
Email completed form to info@washoecountysda.com (preferred)
or mail to: WCSDA - 575 East Parr Blvd. Reno, NV 89512